Belgium: Cum Cura

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Contact Information

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Contact Person

Lina Vissenaeken (Chairmen)
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Prof. Dr. Gwen Sys (Board member)
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Organisation Profile

Cum Cura …. Cancer with care.

Everyone needs support, in good as well as in less good times. We make this possible through Cum Cura VZW, an easily accessible Belgian care community focusing on patient groups suffering rare forms of benign, locally aggressive and malignant tumors of bone and soft tissue called Desmoid, Giant Cell Tumor and Sarcoma.

You are not alone. Providing information and establishing contact with fellow patients are our main goals. Not only do we support patients, but also family and caregivers. All while following the latest scientific developments. We search for solutions with policy makers to guarantee you a better quality of life.

Together with the Cum Cura VZW we ensure that the disease can be discussed, in order to better identify the needs and struggles of all people involved with one of these rare diseases.