WECAN has launched the "Virtual Meeting Resource Center", which provides a set of guides, instructions, check lists and templates which should help patient advocates to run successful virtual meetings, general assemblies, webinars, online brainstorming meetings - as the situation on face-to-face meetings is not likely to change in the near future. WECAN has compiled a comprehensive set of articles and templates which are now all released under Creative Commons license, so everyone can use and re-use them.
This is what you find on the Virtual Meeting Resource Center at https://wecanadvocate.eu/virtual-meetings/
Checklists for the implementation of different types of meetings
- Online lectures and webinars
- Virtual collaborative workgroup meetings
- Virtual General Assemblies and Elections
Planning the agenda, content and moderation
- Planning agendas and reasonable timing
- Guide for your meeting participants
- Inviting participants, and setting access restrictions
- Briefing your speakers and reviewing presentations
Setting up virtual meetings
- Choosing and setting up your online meeting platform:
- Guide for your meeting participants
- Online collaboration and interaction tools
This is phase 1 of the resource center, the following guides will become available soon:
- Managing and moderating virtual meetings
- Online interaction and collaboration tools,
- Recording, broadcasting, making webinars available for streaming, analytics)
- Storing meeting content in the cloud