Contact Information
Plaza Valparaiso, nº 4
Escalera Derecha - 5º G
28016 Madrid
Contact Person
Alberto Martinez Gutierrez (Patron and Treasurer)
Organisation profile
The FUNDACIÓN MARI PAZ JIMÉNEZ CASADO (FMPJC) is an independent, non-profit organization with financial and functional autonomy, and whose scope of action is the Spanish territory.
To help people and groups in a situation of need, mainly those affected by a cancer - sarcoma - and to contribute and stimulate clinical training and research into this particular type of cancer. Our motto is "United Against Cancer".
Only with the union of the effort and work of all we can aspire to generate an increase in quality of life and ultimately defeat cancer.
The Foundation takes the name of a woman, Mari Paz Jiménez Casado, who suffered a sarcoma, a malignant tumor, whose personal struggle and her vital attitude were an example for the family and friends who accompanied her during her years of illness.
Mari Paz was one of those people who suddenly found that her life changed radically and had to begin a tough, unequal and inhuman struggle, which lasted nine years. A struggle in which she worked without rest, striving not only to defeat cancer, but also in alleviating the suffering of others who, like her, endured the consequences of this type of disease.
She taught us that cancer must be respected but not be afraid of, that we should confront it and to keep fighting every day. That is why the name of the Foundation does not only pay homage to a person and keep her memory alive, but also to an idea that has been and is the source of inspiration of the Foundation. Its project towards the future is to try and contribute to the advance in the knowledge of this terrible disease.
The courage and struggle that keeps people suffering from the disease moving daily is what moves us to achieve our purposes and present our statutes.
The Foundation proposes to help and give visibility to an uncommon disease by uniting efforts in the fight to overcome cancer, ultimately to cure the sarcoma. Our essential objective is to devote resources and efforts to research.
Lines of action:
- Research and Training Scholarships
- Diffusion and sensitization
- Cooperation and Volunteering