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flaggen en

flaggen en

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Contact Information 

 Beat Sarcoma
76 Ellsworth Street
San Francisco, CA 94110, USA
Tel.: +1 (415) 826 0474
Email: Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser.
Web:  www.beatsarcoma.org

Organisation Profile

Beat Sarcoma is a volunteer initiative, launched in 2007 by a sarcoma patient, to help increase awareness about sarcomas, raise funds for research and assist with survivorship issues.

We raise funds to sponsor specific research projects or patient initiatives.
a) We work closely with the medical community to select un-funded high impact projects.
b) Currently 100% of funds raised support sarcoma efforts . As we grow, we will be transparent about our expenses.
c) We fund programs hosted by leading non-profit research institutions.
d) We favor fundamental, translational and early clinical research as opposed to late clinical trials. The funding needs there are greater and the benefits far-reaching.