Expert/Patient Roundtables

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SPAEN brings its objectives to life - primarily the improvement of diagnosis, treatment and care for sarcoma patients – in different special projects with varying focus.

Roundtables on specific topics

In close collaboration with expert patients and the SPAEN scientific board, SPAEN identifies specific topics and brings the key players together to discuss and form a common statement or publication to address the topic and spread knowledge.
Recent roundtables were:

  • Roundtable on Desmoids – outcome: Update of Desmoid Consensus Paper – published in "Annals of Oncology"
    February 23, 2017 in Frankfurt, Germany
  • Roundtable/Exchange in Generic Imatinib with CML Community and PD Dr. Peter Reichardt
    July 15, 2015 in Munich, Germany

  • Roundtable on Desmoids – outcome: Desmoid Consensus Paper – published by the European Journal of Cancer
    May 8, 2014 in Frankfurt, Germany
  • Roundtable on Pediatric and Wild-Type GIST
    October 22, 2013 in London, UK


Mentoring and support

SPAEN supports individuals or groups of patients who plan to found a national patient organisation by giving advice and – if possible and necessary – accompanying them on their way for some time. This way, Swiss sarcoma patients founded a patient organisation “Swiss Sarcoma”. After two “Swiss Sarcoma Patient Days (April 2014 and April 2015), the official group was brought to life .

Furthermore, SPANDAN, an Indian Sarcoma Patient Group, was founded in February 2015 after approx. one year of planning, supported by SPAEN .


