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Together We Can Make A Difference
For Those Affected By Sarcomas!


Italy: Orchestra per la Vita Onlus

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orchestra per la vita

Contact Information

Orchestra per la Vita Onlus

Email: info@orchestraperlavita.org
Web: www.orchestraperlavita.org

Contact Person

Leda Berto (President)
Mail: info@orchestraperlavita.org

Andrea Bolzicco
Mail: andrea.bolzicco@orchestraperlavita.org


Organisation Profile

Orchestra per la Vita Onlus has supported the Epithelioid Sarcoma research at the National Cancer Research center (IRCCS Istituto Nazionale dei Tumori ) in Milan during the last 5 years with a cumulative donation of more than 60.000 EUR. Here the major achievements:


  • a retrospective study is ongoing (with the collaboration of the Italian Sarcoma Group);
  • a specific study on potential drugs is on going and fully funded (30.000 EUR) at CROB (Cancer Research Center Basilicat ).

