Events & Congresses

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Sarcoma Patients EuroNet not only hosts a variety of events, but also participates in congresses and external events.It is our aim to represent the patients' voice wherever suitable, necessary and potentially helpful to achieve our goals, foremost to improve the situation of sarcoma patients around the globe.

 Please read more here:


100 years Ewing Sarcoma: Learnings from the past, Challenges for the future

SPAEN21 100JahreEwing WebsiteThe scientific meeting “100 years Ewing Sarcoma: Learnings from the past, Challenges for the future” was held December 10 & 11, 2021 virtually and was attended by over 300 participants from all over the world.

The meeting was held to honor the “Cancer Man” James Ewing, who did not only describe the “Ewing Sarcoma” but was a founder of what is today the American Cancer Society and laid the foundation of today`s Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Centre. Over the course of the two-day conference, we took a look on what has been achieved in Ewing Sarcoma so far, what the Status Quo of Ewing management currently is and where the future might take us.This meeting was a great opportunity to come together and reflect upon the past in Ewing Sarcoma but also look towards the future as a global community.

Recordings and a summary can be found here


CTOS-SPAEN Initiative: "Global Patient Involvement in Sarcoma Care"

SPAEN21 CTOS RT TeaserbildIn the context of the CTOS Annual Meeting 2021, we were holding a joint roundtable meeting on "Global Patient Involvement in Sarcoma Care". Representatives of CTOS/experts & SPAEN/selected and experienced patient advocates discussed on gaps and challenges in sarcoma care and management from PAGs’ and experts’ perspective.

We have developed a joint expert-patient (advcoate)-publication highlighting and explaining gaps and challenges and how to overcome them together as well as a priority list of projects/deliverables to be worked on together over the next 5 years.

A summary, the publication and the recording of the meeting can be found here.


New Horizons GIST

NEW HORIZONS GIST 2016 Briefkopf RGB 300

The GIST New Horizons Conference” is an essential event where patient advocates from the Global GIST Patient Community come together, can interact with top experts, have access to state-of-the-art medical and scientific information and can exchange best practice among each other in terms of patient advocacy. Since 2013, the New Horizons GIST Conference has been organized by a GIST Steering Committee that aims to unify the Global GIST Patient Advocacy Community with key opinion leaders and facilitate ways to increase survival worldwide.

Read more about previous New Horizons GIST meetings:


The Leiomyosarcoma Research Roundtable

LMS RT 2019 group picOn September 14, 2019, 35 sarcoma experts and researchers assembled at the Sylvester Cancer Center in Miami, Florida, to discuss the current status of treatment and care in leiomyosarcomas (LMS) as well as brainstorm about possible ways to approach LMS in the future for the first time.

The roundtable was initiated by the US patient advocacy group “National Leiomyosarcoma Foundation” led by Annie Achee and Dr. Mitch Achee, and supported by Sarcoma Patients EuroNet (SPAEN) and has been held virtually in 2020 and 2021. 

The next meeting is planned as a hybrid meeting October 21 & 22, 2022 in Chicago. Registration for the meeting is open. Please note that attendance at the meeting is exclusive for healthcare professionals.

Read more about previous meetings here.


Please find further reports from congresses and events here.

